About Me

Bobby D. Cooper, Writer
Bobby D. Cooper, Writer

As much as he despises the overuse and misuse of the description, “just a big kid,” Bobby D. Cooper is really just that. As he grows older, he regresses further into his childhood. Take for instance his rediscovery of comic books. Oh sure, he would occasionally dive into a trade paperback to see what was up with Green Lantern, Superman, and the rest. Now he reads at least one comic book a night. At this rate, by the time he turns 50, he’ll be wearing underoos and playing with Transformer toys in miniature cities made of cardboard boxes and paper bags.

Now that he has completely lost your respect, here is his tale of intrigue:

Bobby was born and raised in Tampa, Florida and he is as Floridian as they come. After a winter trip to Virginia, he declared any place on Earth farther north than Gainesville, Florida to be the realm of dragons. He believes that humans have no business dwelling in the snow and has no desire to ever again experience temperatures less than 60 degrees.

Bobby is a graduate from the University of Florida with a Master’s in Computer Engineering. During his eight years in college he also dabbled in Law, Journalism, Radio/TV, History, English, Anthropology, and Classics. Yes, much to the chagrin of his ridiculously patient father, he majored in every one of those subjects at some point in his college career. He also considered trying out Astronomy, Meteorology, Mathematics, and Statistics. But, he was usually too lazy to go to the Registrar’s office to make the switch official.

It wasn’t that he found a dislike for any of these subjects. Quite the contrary. His modus operandi was to take a course and think, “Holy shit! <Insert Subject> is sweet! I’m gonna major in <Insert Subject>!” After falling into that rut for a few years, he finally found a path that held his interest for more than a semester in Computer Engineering. About 15 years after graduation, Bobby concluded his storied career as a software engineer. Now, he is gainfully employed as an Innovation Lead for the United States Air Force.

Yup, he is a total computer nerd. He tried in vain to shed this label by playing football in high school, working out like a fiend almost every day of his adult life, joining the FBI as an agent, and officiating high school football (okay, that’s still pretty nerdy). He has, however, accepted his rightful path in life as a dork and fully embraces that role.

Bobby fancies himself a wordsmith and loves writing about damn near anything. His dream is to someday become a published novelist. So, naturally, he’s starting off with a fiction novel about professional wrestling. Say what?!